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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday,  November 23, 2010. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Thomas Catalina, Robert Edwards, Joseph Girgasky, James Juliano, Roger Letso, Peter Samoskevich,  Anthony D’Angelo (8:10). Absent: Joseph Whelan.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representatives Tim Gunn, Mark Schweitzer and Ed Barrett, Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson, High School Principal Chip Dumais, Board of Ed Superintendent of Grounds and Maintenance Gino Faiella, Board of Ed member David Nanavaty, two members of the press,.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Edwards, the minutes of the regular meeting of October 26, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

High School Expansion Project.

Mr. Mitchell walked the school and the field yesterday and over the weekend with Joe Costa, Bill Knight and Morganti. Substantial completion and occupancy, punch list review should be discussed at length tonight.

Mr. Schweitzer reported that the Fire Marshal has issues with Area C fire alarm system and would like additional speaker strobes. He will be back tomorrow and on Monday to review correction of these items.

Acoustic panels for the gym will be installed over Christmas. Bleachers will begin to be installed Monday. Occupancy for the gym should be December 1 but could be earlier. Mr. Costa said that crash pads need to be installed; Mr. Schweitzer said they will come in tomorrow.  

Academic wings issues: smoke tests on the hoods in culinary kitchen did not go as planned. This is an Action Air item that will be worked on tomorrow.

Another contractor has been brought in to do the punch list on the addition. The space needs to be cleaned up by Wednesday.  Mr. Dumais noted that the school does not close for Christmas break.

Mr. Knight is not aware of any major items that would not permit the building to be occupied.

Mr. Costa said that the walkway behind the gym must be made accessible; Mr. Schweitzer said that it will be.

Mr. Mitchell wants the Commission to be notified of any issues prior to December 1 that might interfere with the occupancy of the building by the Town.

The field was turned over to the Town on Monday. Mr. Mitchell said that the field is 100% usable and that there is a small dip that needs to be addressed, unless the corrections will cause more problems with the field in the future.

Mr. Nanavaty said that in the computer lab, the E learning lab and faculty room strips need to be placed on the desk. He noted that games in the gym will not be played for two weeks because the bleachers will not be ready. Mr. Schweitzer was asked to try to move this up.

Dr. Robinson asked if Chartwells will be able to use the kitchen when there is occupancy. Mr. Mitchell noted that the space will be usable while the punch list is being completed. Mr. Nanavaty said that Chartwells needs a week to train and he understood that they could move in tomorrow. Mr. Mitchell said that they can be trained prior to occupancy but they cannot do food preparation.

The lobby entrance should not be used before the plywood is repaired which is scheduled for completion over Christmas break.

Mr. Barrett said that the net change for the greenhouse is between $195,000 and $205,000 at this point but he is still negotiating the final costs. He said that Woody Greenhouse will be the contractor. He said that the irrigation, low temp sensing and cooling system could probably be added at a later date. We are still negotiating electrical prices. He said the greenhouse will be done as a change order to a contractor. Mr. Costa reviewed the design and feels that it meets the ed spec. Mr. Barrett said that the greenhouse should be on site mid March and he recommends that the work be done in the spring.  Mr. Mitchell asked for final prices as soon as possible including items that can be added later.

Mr. Samoskevich moved that the Town accept the change order in the amount presented  for the greenhouse as soon as it comes in. Second by Mr. Catalina and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mitchell moved the following four motions:

I move that the Newtown High School athletic field be accepted for beneficial occupancy by the Town, based on the letters of Substantial Completion issued by Fletcher Thompson, including the itemized punch list, and evaluation of their value.  I further move that the Town take occupancy of the field immediately following the full execution of the AIA Document G704 as submitted by Fletcher Thompson.  This does not relieve the Construction Manager of meeting the detailed requirements of the Contract Documents and their Agreement with the Town.

Second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

I move that the Newtown High School academic addition be accepted for beneficial occupancy by the Town, upon submission of the letter of Substantial Completion to be issued by Fletcher Thompson, including the itemized punch list, subject to specific provisions, dated December 1, 2010 and evaluation of their value.  I further move that the Town be allowed to take occupancy immediately following the full execution of the AIA Document G704 as submitted by Fletcher Thompson.  This does not relieve the Construction Manager of meeting the detailed requirements of the Contract Documents and their Agreement with the Town

Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried.

I move that the Newtown High School Academic addition be accepted for beneficial occupancy by the Town, upon submission of the letter of Substantial Completion to be issued by Fletcher Thompson, including the itemized punch list, subject to specific provisions, dated December 1, 2010 and evaluation of their value.  I further move that the Town be allowed to take occupancy immediately following the full execution of the AIA Document G704 as submitted by Fletcher Thompson.  This does not relieve the Construction Manager of meeting the detailed requirements of the Contract Documents and their Agreement with the Town

Second by Mr. Letso and unanimously carried.

I move that the Newtown High School gymnasium addition be accepted for beneficial occupancy by the Town, upon submission of the letter of Substantial Completion to be issued by Fletcher Thompson, including the itemized punch list, subject to specific provisions, dated December 1, 2010 and evaluation of their value.  I further move that the Town be allowed to take occupancy immediately following the full execution of the AIA Document G704 as submitted by Fletcher Thompson.  This does not relieve the Construction Manager of meeting the detailed requirements of the Contract Documents and their Agreement with the Town.

Second by Mr. Catalina and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mitchell noted that AIA Documents Certificate of Substantial Completion which have been prepared and signed by the First Selectman and Morganti indicate that the project will be completed by December 1, 2010.

Mr. Nanavaty said that we have seen three projected dates come and go. He is glad that the Commission has passed these motions but is not optimistic about December 1. He feels that some of the items are more than punch list items.

Mr. Dumais thanked the Commission for turning over the field.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project
Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment, invoices and Change Orders;

Morganti Application #17 in the amount of $1,729.129.20. Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. Edwards seconded motion. ~All were in favor. This represents 85% completion.

Oscar’s Abatement invoice #5 (final invoice) in the amount of $20,092.50. Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds. Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #16870 for $3,949.80. Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #16871 for $5,000.00. Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #16869 for $615.81. Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

Morganti Change Orders:
#62 in the amount of a credit for ($14,516.01) for offset of CO 52, which was not approved.
#63 in the amount of $33,000.00 for settlement agreement from the July 27, 2010 mediation.
#64 in the amount of a credit for ($1,562.00) for substitute expansion joint.
#65 in the amount of $5,148.44 for plumbing to the existing plumbing lines in the school.
#66 in the amount of $1,894.71 for increase in the size of the return grille in the gym.
#67 in the amount of $1,125.53 for additional sprinkler head in maintenance corridor.
#68 in the amount of $10,095.44 to add two TV drops and power for the gym.

Mr. Knight had reviewed all of the above change orders and recommends approval. Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend payment of the above change orders, pending the availability of funds. Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.
At this time (8:10) Mr. D’Angelo joined the meeting.

Mr. Mitchell said that there are some masonry items that cannot be corrected. If they are located on a flat wall, they will be covered by tackboards at no additional cost.

Animal Control Facility. A site has not yet been chosen.
Hook and Ladder building will not be a town owned building.

Unfinished Business

O&G contract. Mr. Letso will present a memo to the Commission summarizing his review of O&G’s contract so that the Town can determine if the contract has been completed.

Middle School Roof. Mr. Edwards presented a Power Point demonstration concerning the project and the plan to select an architect for the project (Attachment A to original minutes). The Town has received fourteen RFQ’s for the project. Three of these companies will be considered for the project.  Mr. Mitchell noted that he and his company was not part of the selection process.  The five companies will be interviewed on December 9 by the nine members of the interviewing team. On behalf of the Commission, Mr. Mitchell thanked the ad hoc committee of Mr. Edwards and Mr. Catalina for their work on this project.  

Role of the Public Building and Site Commission. The Commission discussed when projects should be referred to the Commission. Also how can the Commission communicate effectively concerning projects. Also a process needs to be put together concerning referrals and closeouts.

New Business.

Mr. Mitchell met with First Selectman Llodra, Finance Director Bob Tait and Public Works Director Fred Hurley to discuss the fact that the Town must develop procedures to enter into and close out projects. The Commission will discuss this matter after the High School is completed.

Meeting Schedule for 2011. Upon motion of Mr. Samoskevich, the meeting schedule for 2011 was unanimously accepted as presented.

Mr. Mitchell reviewed the terms for the Commissioners and requested that they confirm the dates with their own paperwork and with the Town Clerk for accuracy.

The next meeting will be on  December 21, 2010.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk